Following the last, highly contentious Republican presidential debate, the candidates have released a list of demands to networks. Here is a sampling of what the candidates are requesting:
- Governor Jeb Bush has requested that following the debate the moderators sign a certificate verifying that he tried his best and did a good job that he can take home for his father and mother to hang on the refrigerator.
- The candidates have agreed to ask that moderators at future debates refrain from identifying any lies, fabrications or half-truths that may come up in the course of answering a question, asking instead that the moderators respond to such answers by praising the candidates for their vibrant imaginations.
- The candidates have also asked that each be granted a one-time “phone-a-friend” option that would allow them to call their donors for help answering difficult questions.
- Dr Ben Carson has requested that the network hosting the debate supply goose down pillows and that moderators keep their voices down.
- Donald Trump wants a solid wall, the height of which must be no less than 7ft, erected between him and the other candidates during the debate.
- All other candidates have independently requested this as well.
- Senator Ted Cruz has asked that all questions directed to him be framed as compliments. Example: “Senator Cruz, if elected president, do you think your extreme physical beauty will make it difficult for other world leaders to take you seriously? And what role do you see your incredible personal bravery playing in overcoming any jealousy you may encounter?”
- Governor John Kasich has asked that the one guy in Ohio who thinks he would be a good president be given a ticket to attend the debate.
- In accordance with his fundamentalist beliefs, Mike Huckabee has asked that anyone wearing mixed fabrics be banned from attending the event.
- The male candidates have asked for verification that Carly Fiorina has received her cootie shots prior to sharing the stage with her.
- For the duration of the debate, the candidates would like it if the moderators and audience pretended that homosexuality does not exist.
- All the candidates have requested easier access to restrooms during breaks, and also that candidates who successfully make it to the restroom and back during an allotted break without incident be verbally praised and be given a special treat, like an extra 30 seconds to respond to a question, or a lollipop.
- New Jersey governor Chris Christie has insisted that he not be given a yellow lollipop as reward for making it to the restroom and back, which led to Donald Trump asking that yellow be the only color lollipop made available. Seeing this contentious lollipop issue as an opportunity to defy public perception, Christie has asked that he be rewarded with a sticker or small toy instead of a snack.
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